The Team

Brendan McCauley

Brendan McCauley

Co-Founder & President

  • Brendan McCauley is a proud member of the Catholic Speakers Organization. He was born and raised in Olympia, WA and currently resides in Nashville, TN where he is President & Co-Founder of Humanum Project, writer, and international speaker for the Theology of the Body Institute. He holds a Masters in Theological Studies for Marriage and Family from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute in Washington D.C. and is certified from the Theology of the Body Institute in Quarryville, PA. For the past six years, Brendan has been giving presentations to all ages on topics related to identity with a notable appearance on EWTN.


    Hobbies: Surfing, Boating, Pickleball, and Snow Skiing.

    Books: “Portal of the Mystery of Hope” by Charles Peguy

    Vacation: Kauai, Hawaii

    Movie: Good Will Hunting

    Food: Sushi

    Saint: Saint Mother Teresa & Saint John Paul II

    Quote: “Be not afraid of who you are.” -Pope John Paul II

Connor McCauley

Connor McCauley


  • Connor McCauley grew up in Olympia, Washington and currently resides in Nashville, TN. At first, turned off by the Catholic faith, through a series of events and God’s divine intervention, he became open to hearing God. Throughout college and going off to study abroad, Connor came back to Washington State University with the desire to give God everything. By encountering God in a new way, Connor decided to go the unconventional route and fundraise his salary to bring the gospel to college students with FOCUS. Through his time with FOCUS and through Brendan’s own pursuit, he became adept to St. JPII’s teachings on the Theology of the Body. Connor is the Director of Operations and Co-Founder of Humanum. 


    Favorite hobbies: Photography

    Favorite books: Outside of scripture and the Catechism - Father Elijah

    Favorite vacation spot: Rome, Italy 

    Favorite Movies: Dune and Skyfall

    Favorite food: Pizza

    Favorite Saint: St. Joseph and St. Padre Pio

    Favorite Quote: For the Greater Glory of God, AMDG

Worship Leads

  • Gabby is a passionate, spirit-led worship leader, songwriter, and Catholic speaker. Originally from the East Coast, her missionary spirit led her to the Pacific Northwest after traveling the country sharing the Gospel. Gabby has led worship in over 25 states and co-found the Catholic worship band, United Praise NW. She also serves as the Director of Worship for Encounter Ministries - Seattle Campus. Gabby’s heart is to sit at the feet of Jesus and witness the Holy Spirit awaken hearts to His deeply personal love through worship and dynamic teaching.

Humanum is Latin for “human.” As our mission is centered on human identity, sexuality, & relationships, we decided to name our organization Humanum. The name represents our aim to foster greatness in every human being across all aspects of life.


  • Remember who you are. We often forget our story, that in Christ our deepest identity is beloved sons and daughters of the Father created male and female in God’s image and likeness. We forget where we came from and where we are going. Like Simba in the movie The Lion King we need to hear the words from the Father, “Remember who you are. Remember.” In the midst of our cultural identity confusion, we can hear the words of Christ echoing in our hearts, “…from the beginning it was not so” (Matt. 19:8). It’s as if He is saying, “Remember God’s original plan.” Let us always remember our origin and destiny as it will orient our lives to help us become who we were created to be.


  • Receive who you are. After we remember who we are, we must receive the gift from the Father; our true identity. We can’t just know in our heads our parents love us - we need to hear it, feel it, and experience it in the heart. Just as Mary the Mother of God gave her fiat “Let it be done unto me” and received the Word made flesh in her body, we too need to give our fiat. Just as Christ at His baptism received the Father’s blessing, “This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased” we too need to receive from the Father those same words, “You are beloved.”  We are who He says we are. Because we cannot give to others what we have not yet received, let us always remain receptive to God’s healing grace, so that through Him we may become who we were created to be. 

  • Respond to who you are. Knowing the truth of who you are in a fallen world compels a response. A response to live differently, radically, and boldly. In the midst of the cultural noise that speaks a message about what will bring about true happiness, be not afraid to speak and live the truth that Jesus Christ has revealed to the human race. We were not born to fit in, but born to stand out. While being receptive and transformed by God, we are called to respond, to give, and make disciples of all nations inviting others into the freedom they are made for, so we all may become who we were created to be (see Matt. 28:19).


Our Mission.

Our Vision.

To educate on the Catholic perspective of the human person to form a culture of healing, hope, & life that will allow young men & women to live the truth of what it means to be human.

By equipping men and women, leaders, educators, and clergy, we envision family life, education, and church communities to be grounded in a proper identity, which will restore the fundamental cell of society: marriage and the family.

Our Why

After pondering for years, trying to unveil the “mask” of our culture, we realized that the reason why culture and values change is because the majority’s answer to “what does it mean to be human?” has changed, and frankly is unknown to many. The definition of culture is a group's expression of who they think they are before God. In other words, who we think God is and who we think we are, is made manifest in culture. Therefore, beliefs on identity are the roots that drive our societal problems and solutions. If we want good and healthy fruit (culture), we need good and healthy roots (true identity).

Arguably, we are more confused now than ever in history on the meaning of identity. What does it mean to be human? How can I live in a way that will bring about true happiness? Humanum Project seeks to give answers to these compelling questions by going down to the roots: identity & sexuality. Only then can we begin to form a culture of healing, hope, and life. In a time where youth and young adults are being influenced by societal confusion on identity, our hope is to be a voice of clarity on the Catholic perspective of what it means to be human, created male and female in God’s image and likeness.

Witnessing for years the suffering and identity lies of so many people, we thought “enough is enough.” It is time for young people to rise up and reclaim the truth of our identity revealed in light of the person Jesus Christ, who by revealing “the mystery of the Father and His love, fully reveals man to man himself and makes his supreme calling clear” (Gaudium et Spes, 22). This motivated us to launch Humanum Project in the summer of 2023.

We hope you are just as excited as we are for this mission and that you will consider becoming a patron of Humanum Project to join us in forming a culture of healing, hope, & life that will allow young men & women to live the truth of what it means to be human!


Brendan and Connor